Because property values have gone up, the city would get more property tax, even with a lower mill rate.
"Juneau Assembly Finance Committee"
Eaglecrest general manager says this season’s labor shortage was most challenging to date
General Manager Dave Scanlan told the Juneau Assembly they lacked key staff this season, including ski instructors, cashiers and lift operators.
Juneau Assembly considers raising property taxes
Mayor Beth Weldon proposed the increase and suggested that the added revenue go toward school bond debt reimbursement or other school facility projects.
City to design fiscal model for future budget planning
The Juneau Assembly and city administration are hoping better planning will lead to less uncertainty with future budgets.
City manager talks reorganization, capital projects, tax exemptions
KTOO’s Casey Kelly interviews Juneau City Manager Kim Kiefer.
Lobbyist: State budget shortfall will affect Juneau
“If oil averages $85, the deficit for the state is about $3 billion,” says Kevin Jardell, the City and Borough of Juneau’s lobbyist for state issues.
Manager details potential cuts as CBJ Assembly looks at scaling back property tax
City Manager Kim Kiefer says seven positions and more than a dozen programs and services may have to be eliminated or reduced if the Juneau Assembly scales back property taxes.
Kiefer says CBJ faces $2.8 million budget shortfall in FY ’14
The Juneau Assembly Finance Committee starts holding weekly meetings April 3rd to review the fiscal year 2014 budget, which takes effect July 1st.
CBJ Finance Director projects budget surplus in FY14
The City and Borough of Juneau had a smaller than expected budget deficit last fiscal year, largely because of belt tightening by the city manager’s office. CBJ Finance Director Bob Bartholomew on Wednesday told the Juneau Assembly Finance Committee that the city used $3.3 million in fund balance in fiscal year 2012, which ended in…