On today’s program:
John Gourley from Portugal. The Man, Yéil Ya-Tseen Nicholas Galanin from Ya Tseen, Samantha Crain, Lakota Harden, and steward of Point House Jerrick Hope-Lang gather for an hour of conversation about the Point House benefit concerts set for January 31 in Aak’w (Juneau) and February 1 in Sheet’ká (Sitka).
From the Point House website:
“Hit Wóoshdei Yadukícht” is a benefit concert to raise funds to revitalize the Kiks.ádi X’aaká Hít Point House. The concert will feature performances by renowned Sitka multidisciplinary artist Ya Tseen, the acclaimed Alaska-rooted band Portugal. The Man, and two-time Native American Music Award winner Samantha Crain.
“Hit Wóoshdei Yadukícht” embodies a collective effort to honor and restore the X’aaká Hít Point House. The original foundation of the clan house, located on Katlian Street in Sheet’ká, now exists as a vision and a dream. While the physical structure has been torn down, the promise of its revival remains strong as a gathering space for community ceremonies and celebrations following the return of the land to the Kiks.ádi clan.
To learn more about the Point House Revitalization effort, please visit the website: https://www.pointhouse.org/
Bostin Christopher hosts the conversation. Juneau Afternoon airs at 3:00 p.m. on KTOO and KAUK with a rebroadcast at 7:00 p.m. Listen online or subscribe to the podcast at ktoo.org/juneauafternoon.
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Juneau Afternoon is a production of the KTOO Arts and Culture Team.
Bostin Christopher produced today’s show with help from Erin Tripp.