Juneau’s municipal Election Day is just around the corner — are you ready?

A ballot drop box sits outside City Hall in downtown Juneau on Thursday, Sept. 26, 2024. (Clarise Larson/KTOO)

Juneau’s municipal Election Day is right around the corner — voters have until Tuesday night to cast their ballots in this year’s local election. 

There are a few ways to do that. The city has ballot drop boxes in different locations all across town. Voters can also mail their ballots back, or go to a vote center.

The year’s ballot features three propositions, two recall questions, nine Assembly candidates — including mayor — and six school board candidates. According to City Clerk Beth McEwen, they’re already seeing a lot of ballots come through the city’s processing center. 

“It’s definitely up from last year’s returns … we’re definitely busier than we were last year,” she said. 

As of Thursday afternoon, more than 4,200 ballots had been returned. That’s about 27% higher than this time last year. McEwen said they’re also seeing fewer cure letters that need to be sent to voters to correct mistakes on returned ballots. If voters do receive a cure letter, she encourages them to respond as soon as possible to make sure their vote can be counted. 

The ballot drop boxes are open now until 8 p.m. Tuesday. They are located at City Hall, the AEL&P office in Lemon Creek, Douglas Library, the Mendenhall Valley Public Library and Statter Harbor boat launch. 

Ballots sent in by mail need to be postmarked on or before Election Day and a first-class stamp is required. Remember: just because you drop off your ballot by 8 p.m. on Tuesday doesn’t mean it will be postmarked for that day. 

The city’s vote centers at City Hall and the Valley Library will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Tuesday.

McEwen said it can get a bit busy at the vote centers on Election Day, and she encouraged people to cast their ballots before then if they can.

“It’s the same process, whether you show up between now and Election Day or Election Day itself, it’s just on Election Day you may have to wait in line,” she said. 

Ballots turned in on Election Day aren’t counted in the unofficial results released that night. They’ll be added to later unofficial result updates. The final results will be certified on Oct. 15.

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