In his book, Across the Shaman’s River: John Muir, the Tlingit Stronghold, and the Opening of the North, author Daniel Lee Henry explores Muir’s relationship with Alaska and the Tlingit people. Drawing from Muir’s unpublished journals and the author’s interviews with 16 Tlingit elders, the book displays a profound intercultural dynamic rarely seen in American history writing.

Bob King: Sailboats in the Bristol Bay fishery
Mug Up with Katie Ringsmuth
Atomic Island with Ben Huff
The Spirit Wraps Around You Closing Event
Weaving with Sea Otter Fur – Kathy Rado
A History of Native Textiles on the Northern Northwest Coast
The Spirit Wraps Around You Welcome
The Salmon Way
Walter Harper: Alaska Native Son
Cruising the Fossil Coast Line Part II
The Case for Tranquility Base: Proving the Apollo 11 Moon Landing
Reflections on the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act