How can the Juneau School District continue to improve educational opportunities for students amid continued flat funding from the state Legislature?

  • School Board

    • Paul Kelly

      Candidate for School Board

      That’s a tough question. It’s going to require pulling everyone together. We need to keep up our lobbying efforts to increase funding, inflation proof the Base Student Allocation, and secure forward funding. We need Juneau citizens and organizations in the community supporting our teachers and extracurricular programs so we can focus our budget on improving opportunities for everyone. We need to be creative as a Board to do more with the resources we have.

    • Elizabeth (Ebett) Siddon

      Candidate for School Board

      One way for the School District to improve educational opportunities is to build more community partnerships that leverage skills, knowledge and expertise from within our community.

    • Kevin Allen

      Candidate for School Board

      By strengthening our involvement with the Alaska Association of School Boards so that we know as soon as possible when funding may decrease or to advocate the increase of funding. Increasing community involvement relating to school supplies would also bring financial pressure off the district, also having the district actively seek grants to provide funding to the district would also help free up more dollars to go to student activities and opportunities.