Restaurants have been operating with smaller wait staffs, selling fewer dishes at higher prices.
"United Fishermen of Alaska"
Alaska’s 2nd fatality-free year of commercial fishing could be part of a trend
The U.S. Coast Guard says the credit belongs to the fishermen themselves.
Petersburg’s tribal administrator takes job leading United Fishermen of Alaska
Tracy Welch grew up in Petersburg and has a background in commercial fishing, gillnetting and long-lining.
United Fishermen of Alaska director leaving to start lobbying firm
As executive director, Leach was outspoken against the proposed Pebble Mine near Bristol Bay and threats posed to Southeast Alaska’s salmon runs from Canadian mines.
Alaska Gov. Dunleavy’s top rural affairs advisor departs, and tribal and fishing leaders wonder why
John Moller was a trusted advisor to Dunleavy. His portfolio included work with the fishing industry and Alaska Native issues.
Human rights panel to weigh transboundary mining concerns
Southeast Alaska tribes, fishermen and others say that the Canadian mining sector enjoys economic benefits while those downstream bear the ecological risks.
Lawmakers consider relaxing conflict of interest rules for game and fisheries boards
Alaska’s House Fisheries Committee is considering a bill that would allow Board of Fisheries and Board of Game members to join discussions even if they’ve declared they have a financial stake in the matter.
Dunleavy taps real estate executive for fisheries commission
The Governor’s office didn’t announce the appointment, nor was the vacancy advertised. Smith’s name only surfaced after it was transmitted on February 3 to the state Senate for consideration.
Fishing industry weighs in on state’s $50M COVID-19 relief plan
A draft released this month by Fish and Game recommends dividing the allocation evenly among seafood processors, charters and lodges.
Fishing towns object to Alaska’s mandate overruling local COVID-19 restrictions
As the fishing season ramps up, mid-sized coastal towns are finding they have little say over who shows up to work in the industry.