Nearly 250 Alaskans died of drug overdoses last year. Six of every ten drug overdoses in Alaska involved fentanyl.
"Tom Quimby"
A frustrated Mat-Su doctor implored Alaskans to get vaccinated. The surprise: They listened.
Alaska’s vaccine data shows a roughly 80% jump in the number of first doses administered in the first week-and-a-half of August compared to the first week-and-a-half of July: 6,514, compared to 3,619.
Mat-Su doctor: ‘Stand with me over a patient taking their last breaths’
At a state-sponsored briefing for parents, an emergency room doctor described watching unvaccinated COVID-19 patients die in his emergency department in the Mat-Su — a region where just 42% of eligible residents have gotten at least one shot.
As contagious strain spreads in Alaska, regions with low vaccination rates raise concerns
Vaccination rates vary widely across different regions and communities within Alaska, so the virus represents different risk levels in each place.