Cube Cove is on the northwest side of Admiralty Island. The area was heavily logged – mostly by clear cut – in the 1980s and 90s.
"Southeast Alaska Watershed Coalition"
Cruise ships don’t appear to be behind Ketchikan’s beach bacteria problem — so what is?
Ketchikan beaches have elevated levels of bacteria that could make people sick even without dozens of cruise ships sailing through the Inside Passage and discharging wastewater.
Invasive grass is taking over the Brotherhood Bridge meadow. This biologist is trying to save it.
Biologist John Hudson says reed canarygrass conquers meadows and leaves them sterile. He said it’s like replacing a forest with a parking lot.
Stream temperature monitoring could provide insight into important fish populations
Tribal leaders around the region are trying to get a handle on one factor that may contribute to declining returns in the Chilkat River and its nearby waters, which are a major source of food for subsistence fishermen in Haines and Klukwan.