Nome Public Schools is eligible for a $6 million grant. But the funding requires the district to find a long-term solution that doesn’t rely on Pre-K money from state.
"Nome Public Schools"
Tribal council proposes Iñupiaq language and culture partnership with Nome Public Schools
“We have this opportunity to save a language and time is of the essence for us to collectively act,” said Megan Alvanna-Stimpfle, vice chief of the King Island Tribal Council
Nome public schools considers new program to fight principal turnover
Nome-Beltz Jr/Sr High, for instance, has seen six principals in the last seven years. The school’s most recent principal — Edwin “Chip” Sharpe — resigned in December after just six months on the job.
School District Considers Adopting Unconventional Schedule at Nome-Beltz
Nome public schools may follow a new schedule next year that gives students regular opportunities to immerse themselves in two-week exploration sessions.
For Nome Public Schools, survey shows success and room for improvement
Jenni Lefing says a survey means nothing if it just sits on a shelf. That’s why she’s been all over Nome, sharing the results of the Alaska School Climate and Connectedness Survey.