The initiative wouldn’t give tribes any new powers because they are inherently sovereign. Instead, the initiative aims to have the state acknowledge that sovereignty.
"Liz Medicine Crow"
Sealaska shareholders reject election reforms, support settlement trust
A shareholder resolution to require more in-depth reporting of results failed, as did a second resolution that would have restricted the practice of allowing the board majority to steer proxy votes toward favored candidates that critics say perpetuates the status quo.
In a state where distancing comes easy, Alaskans flee virus to remote camps and cabins
Instead of riding out the coronavirus in towns or cities, some Alaskans are opting out: Relocating to cabins, second homes, or remote camps.
Campaign takes different approach to racism
A statewide Native organization wants Alaskans to recognize, discuss and repair the impacts of racism.
State elections division holds Alaska Native language summit
Alaska elections officials are struggling to put methods in place to translate the state’s election ballot into an array of diverse Alaska Native languages.
Move over, Columbus; Gov. Walker declares Indigenous Peoples Day in Alaska
Alaska is now the first state to recognize the second Monday in October as Indigenous Peoples Day instead of Columbus Day.
Alcohol advertising near AFN prompts complaints
Fostering healthy communities has been a regular theme of the Alaska Federation of Natives annual convention.