The House passed a measure to end the National Security Agency’s bulk collection of phone records, approving a scaled-back version of legislation that was prompted by leaks from former intelligence contractor Edward Snowden.
White House To Release Secret Memo On Drone Strikes
The White House will reportedly comply with a court order to release a secret memorandum describing the legal justification for the 2011 drone strike against three Americans in Yemen, including Anwar al-Awlaki, an al-Qaida leader born in the U.S.
Report Details Hundreds Of Complaints Against U.S. Border Agents
Physical abuse and excessive force top the list of hundreds of complaints filed against U.S. Border Patrol agents, according to a new report.
Water Bans Lifted In Several West Virginia Areas
A ban on using tap water has been lifted in at least three areas affected by a chemical spill in West Virginia, where some 300,000 water customers received “do not use” advisories Thursday.
Chemical Leak Causes Water Emergency In West Virginia
More than 100,000 customers of one water company in West Virginia have been warned not to drink, cook or wash with the water coming from their taps because of chemicals that seeped into the Elk River near Charleston on Thursday.
Gays In U.S. Olympic Delegation Will Send Message To Russia
Tennis great Billie Jean King and ice hockey medalist Caitlin Cahow are certainly qualified to be members of the U.S. delegation at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Russia.
Bill Clinton, Oprah Winfrey Among 16 Honored At White House
A former president, a baseball legend, a country music star and a woman who’s a powerhouse in American media were among 16 people honored Wednesday at the White House with the nation’s highest civilian honor, the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
There It Is! Area 51 Revealed In Declassified CIA Report
A newly declassified CIA report written in 1992 not only mentions Nevada’s Area 51, it places it on a map. What’s more, it acknowledges that the place where many sci-fi stories have said space aliens’ bodies are being kept is a real-life government facility.
Bradley Manning Court-Martial Begins In WikiLeaks Case
Starkly different views of Army Pfc. Bradley Manning were presented Monday, the first day of his court-martial on charges that he aided the enemy when he gave a large batch of classified data to WikiLeaks that was then posted online.
Afghan Parliament Halts Debate On Women’s Rights Bill
After protests from some MPs and after only about 15 minutes, the Afghan parliament halted debate Saturday on a bill aimed at curbing violence against women.