If you’ve listened to Garden Talk before, you’ve heard the term “master gardener.” But what do they do?
"Ed Buyarski"
Garden Talk: The solstice marks an important milestone in the growing season
Buyarski says gardeners should be “pulling weeds, pulling weeds, and pulling some more weeds.”
Garden Talk: Transplanting starts and seeding potatoes
Before you put your seedlings in the ground, you’ll have to get them ready.
Garden Talk: It’s time to get your garden — and yourself — ready for the growing season
Master Gardener Ed Buyarski says it’s time to start doing the work that will set you up for success.
Garden Talk: Planting dreams of spring
If the goal is a spring cutting garden, productivity can be extended by strategically planting mid- and late-season blooming varieties in the fall.
Garden Talk: What grows well in Juneau greenhouses
Some cucumber and tomato varieties do particularly well in Southeast Alaska greenhouses.
Garden Talk: Creative solutions for controlling weeds — like eating them
Chickweed has a mild taste and is nutritious when eaten fresh.
Garden Talk: Air-drying garlic and herbs
After garlic is harvested, it can be cured by hanging in a warm, dry place with good air circulation for a few weeks.
Garden Talk: Botrytis in the soil can take a toll on garlic harvests
Starting now through mid-August, garlic plants will be ready to harvest. But gardeners should look out for botrytis, a fungus disease that can spread throughout crops.
Garden Talk: How to harvest garlic scapes, and some things you can do with them
If they haven’t already, your full-sized garlic plants may soon produce long, curled shoots called “scapes.” What they are and what to do with them, on this week’s episode of Garden Talk