The legislation approved in Congress on Tuesday renews an earthquake preparedness bill that originally passed 40 years ago. The most recent version of the legislation expired nearly 10 years ago.
Who do you call to fix failing earthquake monitors? Volcano scientists.
A backlog of deferred maintenance and a lack of funding, coupled with the extreme environment, have caused some of the seismic monitoring stations to quit working over the past several years.
String of earthquakes shakes up Pribilof Island
More than a dozen earthquakes have been recorded in between St. Paul and St. George since Friday afternoon.
Experiment looks for slow earthquakes under Unalaska
Scientists are looking for the slow earthquakes underneath the Aleutians.
Are Southeast Alaska’s recent earthquakes connected?
State Seismologist Michael West with the Alaska Earthquake Information Center says it’s unclear if the seismic events are related
Earthquakes swarm the Brooks Range
An “earthquake swarm” is hitting the Brooks Range. Seismologists do not know why it is occurring or if it will continue.
National Science Foundation to deploy seismic sensors in Alaska
Scientific study of Alaska earthquakes is beginning to ramp up significantly as the NSF deploys a new network of seismic sensors this summer.
USGS: Okla. Fracking Has Increased Chance Of ‘Damaging Quake’
The U.S. Geological Survey says the number of earthquakes in Oklahoma has gone up dramatically in recent months. It says the surge in seismic activity is due in part to fracking and that it has increased the danger of a damaging quake in the central part of the state.