The organization said its updated rules “incorporated the feedback received from the public, industry partners, and various countries on the dog importation rule.”
Long ago, Patsy Ann left her mark on historic Juneau, but where?
The children’s book, “Patsy Ann of Alaska: the true story of a dog” says the bull terrier, Patsy Ann, pushed her paw prints into sidewalk cement. But do they actually exist?
New dumpster helps keep Airport Dike Trail clean
The Airport Dike Trail is one of Juneau’s most accessible trails. But with dogs come dog waste, and the trail is often littered with bags of poop.
Squirmy sustainability: One man’s mission to fix a common problem
“Dog poop on trails, it’s such a contentious subject,” Bob Deering said.
Homer rescue group sues city animal shelter alleging free speech violation
Judy Price alleges the shelter manager started blocking her attempts to rescue cats for Clear Creek Cat Rescue after she commented on how the city-run facility could be improved. Price believes her constitutional rights are being violated.
7 Bundles Of Scientific Joy: ‘Test Tube Puppies’ Prove IVF Can Work In Dogs
While in vitro fertilization has been successfully used in many species (including humans) for decades, scientists have never managed to use the procedure with dogs — until this summer.
Who Let The Dogs In? We Did, About 30,000 Years Ago
A new study suggests that canis familiaris split from wolves much earlier than the 11,000 to 16,000 years ago that was long assumed.
Scientists Probe Puppy Love
Research shows the mutual gazing between pooches and people spurs release of a “trust hormone” in both. The results suggest dogs really may love us back.
How Dogs Understand What We Say
Dogs pay close attention to the emotion in our voices, but what about the meaning of words? A clever experiment with 250 canines shows that dogs understand more of our speech than previously thought.
When missing person isn’t found, Juneau SEADOGS search for happy ending
“We always want the problem to turn out right for them. It helps advance their training,” says handler Stacey Poulson.