A local port engineer who worked on the grant says his takeaway is that aging marine infrastructure in Haines and Cordova were higher priority than improving Juneau’s relatively new cruise ship docks to reduce emissions.
"cruise ship emissions"
Cruise ship emissions have short-term effect on downtown Juneau’s air quality, Alaska DEC says
A state environmental air quality study found that downtown Juneau generally has good air quality, and cruise ship emissions didn’t threaten the city’s good standing with the Environmental Protection Agency.
How bad are cruise ship emissions in downtown Juneau? An air quality survey aims to find out.
This summer, a state agency is conducting an air quality study in downtown Juneau, with an eye toward measuring the impact of cruise ship emissions. Here’s how Juneau residents are helping.
Cruise industry responds to community concerns about environmental impacts
With another cruise season about to begin, the tourism industry and Juneau are both looking at ways to respond to public concerns about air quality.
Survey will monitor cruise ship emissions in downtown Juneau this summer
The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation shared a new plan Tuesday to start tracking air quality in downtown Juneau in order to learn more about the impact of cruise ship emissions.