The future of the Klukwan school has been uncertain since last fall, when enrollment dropped below the threshold for state funding.
"Chatham School District"
Chatham School District Superintendent Bruce Houck dies at 61
Houck lived in Angoon and was the head administrator for a school district that includes Angoon, Gustavus, Tenakee Springs and Klukwan.
Klukwan fights to keep school open ahead of possible closure vote in November
Parents and community members of the Chilkat Indian Village of Klukwan said past district decisions have led to the instability, causing low enrollment.
With fewer students enrolled, Klukwan school faces possible closure
The state only provides assistance to schools with 10 or more kids and this year there are eight at the elementary school 21 miles north of Haines.
Angoon reports its first case of COVID-19
Angoon’s city office is closed until further notice, and the city plans to begin community-wide testing Wednesday.
Meals for Angoon school children hinge on regular ferry service
Almost all of the children who attend Angoon’s K-12 school receive federally subsidized, low-cost or free school breakfasts or lunches. The supplies for those meals normally arrive in town aboard a state ferry.
What’s school like in Tenakee Springs without a school?
The Tenakee Springs School closed after its enrollment fell under 10 students and the town’s families resorted to home-schooling. The district reopened the school building as an independent learning center to give students and the community some of the school’s resources.