Three years of huge returns in Bristol Bay created a surplus of sockeye in the market.
"Bristol Bay salmon"
Why sockeye flourish and chinook fail in Alaska’s changing climate
Scientists don’t know exactly why one species is doing so well while the other is in crisis, but some clues are coming into sharper focus.
Alaska leaders petition the US Supreme Court for reversal of EPA ban on Pebble Mine
The Dunleavy administration is bypassing lower courts in its attempt to overturn a decision barring permitting of the controversial copper and gold mine.
Pebble Mine company to pay shareholders who claim they were duped
Plaintiffs say recorded conversations released in 2020 revealed corporate leaders’ lies, but Northern Dynasty Minerals denies wrongdoing.
USDA to buy nearly $70M worth of Alaska sockeye for food assistance programs
It’s a win for the state’s marketing branch, which had some help from Alaska’s congressional delegation.
In Rose Garden address, Biden celebrates with Alaskans opposed to Pebble mine
United Tribes of Bristol Bay Executive Director Alannah Hurley was invited to Washington, D.C., to introduce the president.
Army Corps to revisit parts of Pebble’s application, but opponents say mine can’t move forward
Pebble spokesperson Mike Heatwole said the announcement shows the company’s appeal holds water.
EPA stops Pebble mine, capping decades-long battle
“Many of those who began this battle are no longer with us,” said Alannah Hurley, executive director of United Tribes of Bristol Bay. She called the EPA’s decision historic.
The EPA is now one step away from a veto that would ban Pebble mine
Casey Sixkiller, the Region 10 administrator for the Environmental Protection Agency, has sent a recommendation to EPA headquarters to protect the area by vetoing the proposed mine.
Fish for Families aims to bring Bristol Bay sockeye to Alaska communities facing low salmon runs
In early July, it sent out its first shipment of the season — 1,000 pounds of salmon to Chignik communities on the Alaska Peninsula. The program plans to send a total of 8,000 pounds of salmon there this month.