Juneau’s humpback whales are beloved by visitors and locals alike. But scientists say there’s a lot we don’t know about their health.
"Alexandra Pierce"
Big changes are coming to the Mendenhall Glacier area
The area’s finalized improvement plan includes a new visitor center, more parking, an expanded trail system and more.
City leaders are considering whether – and how – to limit cruise ship visitors in Juneau
Tourism Manager Alexandra Pierce says the cruise industry may be willing to discuss ship-free days, ship size limits or a daily visitor cap.
Juneau residents have 1 month to submit proposals for using cruise ship passenger fees
The $5 per passenger fee has funded public wi-fi, the Rainforest Trail and bathroom maintenance at the docks.
Juneau’s record cruise season meant a busier downtown — and more complaints from locals
Even some business owners felt Juneau was at capacity this year.
Summer crowds can slow down Juneau’s cell service. More public Wi-Fi could help.
The more visitors use public Wi-Fi, the more space there is on cell networks for locals.
As Mendenhall Glacier hits tour capacity, Juneau visitors are opting for the city bus
With tour bus visits to the Mendenhall Glacier sold out halfway through the season, tourists are increasingly using the city bus to get to and from Juneau’s top destination.
Juneau expects to see more cruise passengers than ever this year
Juneau’s 2023 cruise season will kick off when the Norwegian Bliss arrives on Monday. This will be the first full-scale cruise season since the pandemic began.
You can weigh in on how Juneau spends marine passenger fees this year
City leaders expect 1.6 million passengers to visit Juneau this summer. It would be a nearly 50% increase from last year’s estimated 1.1 million and generate an estimated $21 million in passenger fee revenue.
Juneau residents get a closer look at the proposal for Aak’w Landing
Huna Totem Corporation aims to complete construction on a 10,000-foot visitor center and a new cruise ship berth with a curved trestle by 2025, but there are many steps to go in the public process.