The Lower Kuskokwim School District’s itinerant social workers are a model for how curriculum and mentorship can reach even the most remote schools.
"Alaska Safe Children's Act"
Chairman ends meeting after move to advance PFD constitutional amendment
Three pieces of legislation were scheduled to receive a hearing Saturday in the Senate Judiciary Committee. Only one received brief consideration, after which Committee Chairman Sen. John Coghill, a North Pole Republican, abruptly ended the hearing early. The meeting was scheduled to consider a resolution to put Alaska Permanent Fund dividends in the state constitution.…
Alaska Safe Children’s Act task force begins work
The task force’s job is to make recommendations to the Department of Education on age-appropriate prevention curricula on sexual assault, teen dating and youth suicide.
With Erin’s Law signed, bill sponsors see more work to be done
The bill’s primary sponsor, Rep. Charisse Millett of Anchorage, says the act is a catalyst and not the end solution.
Federal bill introduced to fund Erin’s Law
Programs funded by the grant would be required to undergo a periodic third-party evaluation to assess the effectiveness of the program.
Legislature passes Alaska Safe Children’s Act
The Alaska Legislature has passed the Alaska Safe Children’s Act nearly unanimously.
Key provision of Erin’s Law restored
When lawmakers last saw the Alaska Safe Children’s Act, it was in a mutant form. The substitute offered by the Senate Finance Committee hewed much closer to the original bill
With session winding down, House passes Erin’s Law
The bill is now in the Senate. The governor has said he’d consider including it in a potential special legislative session.
New version of Erin’s Law targets teen dating violence
The rewritten law is unlikely to reach the governor’s desk this year, said Senate Rules Committee Chair Charlie Huggins.