Attorneys for the Alaska Commercial Fishermen’s Memorial objected to the construction of Juneau’s new cruise ship berth because it could disrupt the annual Blessing of the Fleet ceremony.
Judge hears arguments over Juneau cruise ship docks
The ongoing dispute between the Alaska Commercial Fishermen’s Memorial and the City and Borough of Juneau continued in court on Monday.
Judge denies motion to immediately stop work on Juneau cruise ship docks
Judge Louis Menendez says no to a temporary restraining order, but agrees to hear arguments over a preliminary injunction.
Fishermen’s memorial goes to court to stop work on cruise ship docks
It’s the latest attempt by the nonprofit Alaska Commercial Fishermen’s Memorial in Juneau to alter or block the $54 million project.
Juneau Assembly to vote on bid award for cruise ship docks
Manson Construction of Seattle is expected to get the contract to do the massive cruise ship dock rebuild.
After delays, Juneau cruise ship berths project can move forward
The Alaska Department of Natural Resources has issued a final decision transferring nearly 18 acres of submerged tidelands to the city, allowing the $54 million cruise ship dock project to move forward.
Juneau dock bid opening delayed until ownership of submerged tidelands is resolved
The City and Borough of Juneau’s Docks and Harbors Department announced Friday evening that it will delay opening bids for a $54 million floating cruise ship berth project until the city is granted ownership of submerged tidelands by the State of Alaska.
Juneau moves forward with new cruise docks despite not owning submerged land
Port officials say the issue is not a major concern, and they expect the submerged land to be deeded to the city by the State of Alaska before construction gets underway next year.
Unions criticize lack of pre-hire labor agreement for Juneau dock project
Juneau labor unions are criticizing a recent CBJ Docks and Harbors Department decision to bid a contract for two new floating cruise ship berths without a Project Labor Agreement.